Balanced News

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We need your help to find suitable articles. In order to do this, we would suggest that you please send an email to the charities that you donate to: Below is a template for the proposed email. You can also download a Microsoft Word copy of the letter HERE. You may change it as you see fit. When you get an article / topic or the facts of an event for us to write an article about, please send them to: or by completing the form at the bottom of this page.

Email Template (Copy & Paste)
Dear {NAME}
I am writing to you as a donor and supporter because I want to send details of your good works to Balanced News. See Their aim is to collate and publish stories on the huge number of lives saved and restored by the work of Muslim Charities around the world.
They welcome published press articles but they also recognise that most of the good works of Muslim Charities are never published in newspapers. If you do not have published or professionally written articles on your good works, Balanced News are happy for their staff to prepare drafts for you to check for accuracy and completeness.
This is important because they aim to get articles published in newspapers as well as on our websites. In both cases they need to show that the articles have been fact checked. The articles, facts and photographs that you can provide will help Muslims around the world to counterbalance the stream of negative, stereotypical and downright Islamophobic articles that appear in national newspapers and on TV.
These positive and inspirational news stories will help to raise the morale and spirits of millions of ordinary Muslims in the West. We expect over one million site visits a day. The awareness they generate can benefit your charity. They can provide a page with details of the good works you do and the help you need.
You can read more about their mission on the ‘about us’ pages of and
Their immediate efforts are on the EU, America and Africa. Africa is very important because negative stereotyping puts Muslim lives in real danger. A positive counterbalance can make all the difference.
Richard Swift heads the London office, with 30 years experience in planning and implementing new projects, both for profit and for public benefit.
The USA office is headed by Yasir Nadeem, he works as a Scholar and a Teacher in America and is the founder of an online Institute for Islamic Studies. Please reply with an outline of two life saving projects that you feel ordinary Muslims would most benefit from seeing. I will then call you to discuss any additional details we need and to clarify any points.
Yours sincerely
Your {NAME}

Alternatively, use the form below to submit your articles and facts relating to your article. Please be as details as possible and provide all relevant facts.

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